Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Scary Morning

I received an email and then a phone call this morning explaining to me that one of the Seniors on my baseball team had been in a serious car accident. There was about a two hour period where all anyone knew was that he was at a hospital. Those two hours were extremely scary for me and the other coaches. During those two hours, I thought the worst, I cried and finally, I reflected on "Murph", the player in the car wreck.

As I write this blog, "Murph" is OK. This blog is to reflect upon my thoughts about him during those two hours. I truly believe that he serves as a great model for what coaches are looking for in their players for the following reasons:

He loves God; He loves his family; he loves his coaches; he loves his teammates; he is selfless; he works hard; he is an encourager; he could care less if he were the one making the winning catch or one of his teammates; he is humble; he does not know how important he is to our program; he has grown into an incredible young man; and he gets John 10:10 "I have come to bring you life".

In closing, one of the reasons why I love coaching so much is not because of what I am doing in the lives' of my players. No, No, No. Rather, one of the main reasons why I love coaching so much is because I get to walk alongside great people, great players, great men, like "Murph".

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